M I T. Physic Dept.
February 1, 2000
Hale Bradt, Lecturer
George Koster, Admin.
Assignment 1:
Reading: Charge and Matter,
Ch 27; Electric Field, Ch 28
Special Mathematics Supplement, pp. 1-18, up to Triple integrals
(Do problems A1,2 and B1,2,3,5)
Lectures Recitations*
Wed 2/2
Static electricity
Tu: Discuss Math Suppl.
Charging and induction
Coulomb's law
Preview Section 27-4**
Fri 2/4
Electric fields
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 1
Field lines
Charge distributions
Forces on charges
Preview: 28-(1-3)
* The plan for the use of the Recitation is given here. The student is expected to arrive prepared. Preparation for the discussion sessions consists of a preview of the material, e.g. perusing the text and doing part (a) of each problem. Preparation for the quizzes should consist of having done the homework problems. The homework will not be collected or graded; the recitation quizzes will suffice for our evaluation of your understanding.
**Lecture preview consists of reading the text section indicated before lecture. Doing this will greatly increase the utility of the lecture for you. See notes under Organization below for more on the Assignments, Recitation Quizzes, etc.
Assignment 2:
Reading: Gauss's Law, Ch.
29-(Sections 1-6) (Charges beget E fields!)
Electric Potential. Ch. 30-(1-6)
Lectures: Recitations:
Mon 2/7 Flux
M/Tu: Quiz. on Asmt 1
Gauss's Law
Preview: 29-(2-3)
2B Wed
2/9 Applications
of Gauss's law
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 2
Electric potential defined
Preview: 30-(1-3)
Fri 2/11 Electric
potential, cont.
Various charge configurations
Electric dipole
Preview: 30-(4-6)
Assignment 3:
Reading: Electric Potential, Ch. 30-(7-11); Capacitors,
Ch. 31-(1-4)
Lectures: Recitations:
Mon 2/14 Potential Energy
M/Tu: Quiz Asmt 2
E = – grad V
Electrostatic Accelerators
Preview: 30-(7-9)
Weds 2/16 Review Test #1
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 3
(Probs 3-1, 3-2)
Review for Test.
Fri 2/18 TEST #1: Covers Assmts 1, 2 and a bit of 3. (Chs. 27 to 30-8 and including Problems 3-1 and 3-2.)
Mon 2/21 HOLIDAY - Monday classes meet on Tuesday;
Tues. sections get a holiday (sort of)
3B Tue 2/22!
High voltage breakdown
Tu: (Monday sections)
Discuss Asmt 3
Fields and charges
Stored energy
Parallel and series capacitors
Preview: 30-(1-2)
Assignment 4:
Reading: Capacitors and dielectrics, Ch. 31-(5-7)
4A Weds 2/23
Dielectrics and Capacitors
W/Th: Quiz on Asmt 3
Charge and Polarization
Atomic view
Polarization and displacement vectors
Gauss's law modified
Preview: 31-(5-6)
Assignment 5:
Reading: Current and Resistance,
Ch. 32-(1-6); [Optional: 32-(7-8)]
EMF and Circuits, Ch. 33; Magnetic Fields, Ch. 34-1, 2, 3
5A Fri 2/25
Ohm's Law
Energy losses
Preview: 32-(1-3)
5B Mon 2/28
Electromotive Force (EMF)
M/Tu: Discuss Asmts 4,5
Circuits: examples
Preview: 33-(1-2)
5C Wed 3/1
Magnetic fields
W/Th: Quiz on Asmts 4,5
Magnetic field vector, B
(Approx. concurrent w. last
Force on a moving charge
lecture covering assmt.)
Particle accelerators
Preview: 34-(1-2)
Assignment 6:
Reading: Magnetic Field, Ch.
Ampere's Law, Ch. 35-(1-6)
(Currents beget magnetic fields!)
6A Fri 3/3
Magnetic force on a current
Torque on a current loop
Electrical measurement instruments
Preview: 34-5
6B Mon 3/6
Ampere's law
M/Tu: Discuss Asmt 6
Symmetry requirements
Preview: 35-(5-6)
6C Wed 3/8
Applications of Ampere's law
W/Th: Quiz on Asmt 6
Biot-Savart law
Preview: 35-(1-2)
Assignment 7:
Reading: Faraday's Law of
Induction, Ch. 36-(1-4)
(Changing magnetic flux begets currents!)
7A Fri 3/10
Moving coils
Faraday's law of induction
Lenz's Law
Preview: 36-1,2
Mon 3/13 REVIEW for Test M/Tu: Review for Test
Wed 3/15
TEST 2. Covers Assmts 1-6 with
emphasis on 3–6 (Ch. 30-9-35)
W/Th: Discuss Assmt 7
Fri 3/17 Special Lecture: Studies of Neutron Stars & Black Holes from Space
Assignment 8:
Reading: Faraday's law, cont.,
Ch. 36-(5-6); 36-7 optional; Inductance, Ch. 38-(1-4)
(We do Ch. 37 next week.)
Lectures: Recitations:
8A Mon 3/27
Faraday's Law (more)
M/Tu: Quiz on Asmt 7
Changing magnetic fields
The Betatron
Relative motion
Preview: 36-5
8B Wed 3/29
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 8
LR circuits
Preview: 38-(1-2)
8C Fri 3/31
Magnetic energy density
Mutual Inductance
Preview: 38-4
Assignment 9:
Reading: Magnetic Properties
of Matter, Ch. 37-(1-4); [Optional: 37-5]
Electromagnetic Oscillations, Ch. 38-(5-7) up to "Forced Oscillations" p. 834
9A Mon 4/3
Magnetic poles/dipoles
M/Tu: Quiz on Asmt 8
Gauss's Law for magnetism
Four kinds of magnetism
Preview: 37-1
9B Wed 4/5
Three magnetic vectors: B, M, H
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 9
Boundary conditions (not in text)
Preview: 37-3
9C Fri 4/7
Free (LC) oscillations
RCL circuit
Preview: 38-(5-6)
Assignment 10: Assignment #10 consists of review problems for Ch. 35 - 38; it is optional.
Assignment 11A:
Reading: Alternating Currents,
Ch. 38-7; Ch. 39-(1-4); [Optional: 39-5]
11A Mon 4/10
Alternating currents
M/Tu: Quiz on Asmt 9
Driven RCL Circuit
Power in RCL Circuits
Preview: 39-(1-2)
11B Wed 4/12
Alternating currents
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 11A
(in lieu of quiz)
Review for Test
Preview: 38-7, 39-3
Assignment 11B:
Reading: Maxwell's Equations,
Ch. 40-(1-2) (Changing E
field begets B field!)
Lectures: Recitations:
11C Fri 4/14 REVIEW for Test
Mon/Tu 4/17-18 -HOLIDAY
Weds 4/19
TEST #3. Covers entire course
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 11B
through Ch. 39 with emphasis upon
Chapters 36-39. Less emphasis on Ch. 37.
Fri 4/21
Induced Magnetic fields
Displacement current
Preview: 40-2
Assignment 12:
Reading: Maxwell's Equations,
Ch. 40-3; [Optional: 40-4] (Pulling it all together)
Electromagnetic Waves, Ch. 41. (41-5 is required)
12A Mon 4/24
M/Tu: Quiz on Asmt 11B
Preview: 40-3
12B Wed 4/26
EM waves consistent with Max. Eqs.
W/Th: Discuss Asmt 12
Coax transmission line (not in text)
Preview: 41-3
12C Fri 4/28
Energy and Momentum of Light
Preview: 41-(4-5)
Assignment 13:
Reading: Differential versions
of Maxwell's equations; in Notes Assignment 13
Wave equation; in Notes Assignment 13
Full use of M.E. to obtain EM waves; in Notes Assignment 13
Nature of Light, Ch. 42 (optional reading)
13A Mon 5/1 Advanced
Maxwell's equations
M/Tu: Quiz on Asmt 12
Differential form
Wave Equation
Preview: Notes pp. 13-2,3,4
13B Wed 5/3 Radiation by
Accel. Charge
W/Th: Discuss Asmt. 13
Moving sources; special relativity
(Do problems 13-1,2,3)
Preview: None
13C Fri 5/5
Full Use of Maxwell's Equations
to obtain the wave properties.
Preview: Notes pp. 13-7 to 13-11
Final Week:
Mon 5/8
REVIEW for Final Exam pt. 1
M/Tu: Discuss Asmt 13
Begin review for final exam.
Wed 5/10 REVIEW for Final Exam pt. 2 W/Th: Review
THE FINAL EXAM will be a 2 hour
exam (with 3 hours allowed). There will probably be six
problems of which 3 or 4 will cover the material
of Chapters 27-39. The others will be based on
Chapters 40-41 and the Notes of Assignment 13.