| Visualizing E&M | Vector Fields | Electrostatics | Magnetostatics | Faraday's Law | Light | Notes | Copyright |
TEAL - Electricity & Magnetism

Software Download Instructions         

Seven JavaScript Ports of our Java3D Applications are listed HERE (these should run in any browser):

Otherwise, as of 2/10/2025, we only support Windows users.

Java3D Applications on Windows:

In order to run the our Java3D applications on a Windows machine, you need to have a JAVA runtime enviroment (JRE) installed.

If you do not already have the JRE installed, click HERE and follow the instructions to download the "recommended" JRE from the Oracle website and install it.

This currently will give you Version 8 (aka 1.8) of the Java JRE. Later versions of the JRE may work, but we test against 8/1.8.

Note that we use Java Web Start to start the applications. Java Web Start was deprecated in Java 9, and starting with Java 11, Oracle removed JWS from their JDK distributions. If you are using a version of the JRE higher than 10, you will have to install an earlier version.

Once you have installed the JRE, click HERE for instructions to download the appplicaton

Shockwave on Windows:

Click HERE for instructions on running ShockWave applications on Windows.

Page last updated: February 10, 2025. Questions: jbelcher@mit.edu