6.884: project ideas
Most of the experiments we're looking at in this class, especially on very
small datasets, involve details of English syntax or morphology. Do these
experiments change if performed on typologically very different
languages? (E.g.: Do recent results on past tense formation in neural
models carry over to languages whose tense system is more complex than
English? Do tree-shaped models do anything in non-configurational
Take one of the diagnostic datasets we looked at in class (SCAN, CLUTRR,
etc.). Identify a new kind of generalization we might expect a model to
make and implement a corresponding dataset split. Does the relative
performance of existing models change on this dataset? Can you come up
with new model architectures (neural, symbolic, or both) that improve
performance? Concrete ideas: operationalize classical accounts of the
``poverty of the stimulus'' by systematically excluding complex Wh
questions from training data; split SCAN (or more realistic semantic
parsing datasets) by syntactic depth rather than length.
If you work with data from human subjects: train a model to perform the
same task as your humans (as in the Hu et al. paper). Compare model
predictions to human behavior / judgments / brain recordings. What models
perform best? Are models with explicit symbolic scaffolding (RNNGs etc)
Characterize, empirically or theoretically, behavior on out-of-sample data
in "unstructured" neural models like convnets or transformers. We saw that
sequence-to-sequence models often do the "wrong" thing from the
perspective of human users; what do they do instead? Something like
this paper but with
training data.
For tasks with unstructured inputs but where an explicit symbolic
representation of the input is available at training time (e.g. kinship
graphs in CLUTRR), what's the best way to use it when making predictions
from unstructured data? Add prediction of the structured object as an
auxiliary loss at training time? Treat the structured object as a latent
variable and marginalize over it at test time?
Analyze "symbolic" inductive bias in non-linguistic tasks with models
trained on language data. That is: get a big pretrained language model,
fine-tune it on reasoning problems encoded with arbitrary symbols, and
measure performance. (See e.g.
this blog post.) Does pretraining help? Why?