Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Univ. Michigan, 1962.
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, Univ. Michigan, 1959.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Univ. Michigan, 1958.
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Corrosion, creep and fracture are aging and degradation phenomena of longstanding concern in materials research which are further exacerbated in the presence of radiation damage. They represent a class of technologically important problems for which the connection between microscale studies and macroscale behavior remains poorly understood. Emerging concepts based on energy landscape modeling, coarse graining by transition state theory, and biased sampling of reaction pathways are making it possible to probe the mechanisms controlling macro-scale deformation and flow observed in experiments. We are particularly interested in the time- and stress-dependent manifestations of avalanche, intermittency, and localization behavior in systems far from equilibrium, and regard them as problems defining the frontiers of mesoscale modeling and simulation.
Selected publications
- K.P. So, M. Stapelberg, Y.R.Zhou, M. Li, M P. Short, S. Yip, Observation of dynamical transformation plasticity in metallic nanocomposites through a precompiled machine-learning algorithm, Materials Research Letters, 10, 14–20, (2022)
- M. P. Short and S. Yip, “MaterialsAging at the Mesoscale:Kinetics of Thermal, Stress, Radiation Activations”, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science (2015).
- S. Yip, Nuclear Radiation Interactions (World Scientific, Singapore, 2014).
- M. J. Abdolhosseini Qomi, K. J. Krakowiak, M. Bauchy, K. Steward, R. Shahsavari, D. Jgannathan, D. Brommer, A. Baronnet, M. Buehler, K. Van Vliet, S. Yip, F.-J. Ulm, R. J.-M. Pellenq, “Combinatorial Molecular Optimization of Cement Hydrates”, Nature Communications 5, 4960 (2014).
- Y. Fan, S. Yip, B. Yildiz, “Autonomous Basin Climbing Method with Sampling of Multiple Transition Pathways: Application to Anisotropic Diffusion of Point Defects in HCP Zr”, J. Phys. Cond. Matter 26(2014).
- E. Masoero, E. Del Gado, R. J.-M. Pellenq, S. Yip, F.-J. Ulm, “Nano-scale mechanics of colloidal C-S-H gels”, Soft Matter 10, 491 (2014).
- M. P. Short, D. Gaston, C. R. Stanek, S. Yip, “A Perspective on Nuclear Materials: The Quest for Scientific Advances with Technological Impact”, Materials Research Society Bulletin 39, 71 (2014).
- M. P. Short, D. Hussey, B. K. Kendrick, T. M. Bessmann, C. R. Stanek, S. Yip , “Multiphysics modeling of porous CRUD deposits in nuclear reactors”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 443, 579 (2013).
- Y. Fan, Y. N. Osetsky, S. Yip, B. Yildiz, “Mapping Strain Rate Dependent Dislocation-Defect Interactions by Atomistic Simulation”, Proceedings of National Academy of Science 110, 17756 (2013).
- Y. Fan, B. Yildiz, S. Yip, “Analogy between Glass Rheology and Crystal Plasticity”, Soft Matter 9, 9511 (2013).
- S. Yip and M. P. Short, “Multiscale materials modeling at the mesoscale”, Nature Materials 12, 774 (2013).
Applied Nuclear Concepts: Radiation Interactions and Transport

This book is a treatment on the foundational knowledge of Nuclear Science and Engineering. It is an outgrowth of a first-year graduate-level course which Prof. Yip has taught over the years in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT.