Welcome to the Toastmasters Clubs at MIT
Guests are always welcome!
Tuesday Evening Toastmasters@MIT Tuesdays, 6:30-7:45 PM,2 Amherst Street,Tang Center, Cambridge, Room E51-057
Visit their web site at http://680823.toastmastersclubs.org
Wednesday, 12:30-1:30 PM
Chatter By the Charles Toastmasters
For information, contact Ruth Levitsky askgoddess@gmail.com
Toastmasters@MIT Friday Meeting
12:00-1:00, Fridays
Visit their web site at http://mit.speak-easy.org
Humor & Drama Toastmasters Club
For information, contact Ruth Levitsky, askgoddess@gmail.com
updated 9.16.2016 by Ruth