
WTP-ME Staff: 2025 |2024 |2023 | 2022 | 2021 |2019 |2018 |2017 |2016 |2015 |2014 |2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006
Staff Only: WTP-ME Wiki
Rin Islam
My name is Shahrin but I go by Rin and I’m a second-year graduate student in course 2 (mechanical engineering) at MIT. I didn’t travel very far for grad school having graduated from MIT with a degree in chemical-biological engineering; just had to switch buildings. My current research is in extracardiac drug delivery devices and my overall interest is multi-scale device development to help us better understand and treat diseases. In my spare time, I love to explore Boston, check out new restaurants (ask me for recommendations!), work out, and cook-basically, anything related to consuming and burning calories. I love teaching and mentoring students; it helps me stay young and relevant. I’m so excited for WTP! It’s going to be a fun summer!
Alice Nasto
Hello! I’m Alice and I’m super excited to be part of the WTP team this summer! I did my PhD in MechE at MIT, where I studied fluid mechanics with hairy surfaces. My research was inspired by nature, tackling questions such as "How do otters keep their fur dry to stay warm in cold water?" and "Why is it useful for a nectar drinking bat to have a hairy tongue?". Currently, I’m teaching Measurement and Instrumentation, and having loads of fun helping out with Go Forth and Measure projects! I’m also interested in fabrication and design, and love making things- ceramics, furniture, clothes, and even a remote-controlled blimp in the shape of a cat riding a hot dog with tiny 3D printed propellers. |
Sarah Sofia Hi! I'm Sarah and I can't wait for WTP to begin! I just completed my PhD at MIT in mechanical engineering, working on photovoltaic (PV) solar energy. I look at how we can design new types of high-efficiency solar cells in a way that is cost-effective for electricity generation, as well as analyzing the effects of and technological needs for integrating large amounts of solar energy on the electricity grid. My main focus is on how we can transition to renewable energy as fast as possible, by working to develop technology that will reduce cost and accelerate adoption of solar energy around the world. Before coming to MIT, I studied physics and astronomy at Haverford College in Philadelphia, and I grew up in the Boston area. I am so excited to meet all the WTP students!
Residential Tutors
Jamie Chang
Hi all! I'm Jamie and I'm a graduating senior with a joint degree in Mechanical Engineering and Design and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. I'm from Los Angeles and I don't have plans for after WTP yet but hopefully I'll find a job soon. I like to bake cakes on all of my hallmates' birthdays, design swag for my hall, and read/talk about social issues (race/gender/class/etc). I'm also an MIT Admissions blogger, where I write about my design projects, halloween, and other things. I love designing and making things, from lofted beds to inflatable luggage.
Gabby Enns
Hi! My name is Gabby and I am a rising junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in biomechanics and biomedical devices. I currently work on exoskeleton design in the Newman Lab for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation here on campus, and I spent my last summer in Belgium at the Université Catholique du Levain working with rehabilitation robotics. Outside of academics, I run for MIT’s varsity cross country and track teams, as well as am a Vice President of my sorority Alpha Chi Omega! I love to bake (hit me up if you’re craving cookies), take pictures, explore cities, and hunt down the best bakeries around. Looking forward to meeting you all this summer!
Remi Godinez
Hi! I’m a rising senior from Los Angeles majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Comparative Media Studies. This semester I spent A LOT of time in the machine shop working on a beautiful conveyor belt robot and loved every minute of it (I’m a big fan of making things). Outside of school, I enjoy playing games (Bananagrams, anyone?), doing gymnastics, knitting (I’m currently working on a tiny rainbow patchwork blanket), rocking out to Disney music, and watching Dodgers Baseball (which will happen a lot this summer (sorry)). I did WTP-EECS in 2015 and had an amazing time, so I’m super excited to come back and explore the wonders of MechE with you all this summer! |
Sarah Hoffmann
Howdy! I'm Sarah from Texas. I am a rising junior studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Design. I love building things and spend much of my spare time maintaining and improving the 19th century brownstone I call home. When my hands aren’t getting dirty, I love to cook, bake, take long meandering walks, dog watch, and play board games. My other interests include 80’s music, 20th century art, and ancient architecture. |
Chloe Nelson-Arzuaga HI! My name is Chloe and I am a rising junior majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Design. I’m from San Fransisco but I’ve also lived in Houston, Miami and San Juan. I love teaching and mentoring and am studying to get my teachers certificate here at the institute. I also enjoy working in the MIT forge and foundry and am currently making a Celtic inspired crown. Outside of academics I love baking and am the baking chair of my sorority, Sigma Kappa. I love binge watching tv shows, the more dramatic and over the top the better. I also love IKEA and interior decorating, my room always looks completely different from one year to the next. I also love the Beatles, Disney music, and musicals. I am so excited to meet you all this summer!!!
Lila Wine
Hi! My name is Lila Wine, and I am a rising junior in Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Design and a concentration in Chinese. I grew up just outside of Chicago and went to a high school with some amazing leadership opportunities, and ever since I have loved teaching and mentoring. I am a member of the Varsity Track and Field team at MIT, more specifically a pole vaulter! Aside from Track, I am a volunteer for Camp Kesem and enjoy cooking with friends in my free time. I love building with my hands and will almost always have some sort of project that I am working on (whether it be a simple friendship bracelet or a robot). I can’t wait to meet everyone this summer, and I am excited to dive into MechE together! |
Residential Assistant
Adina Golden
Hi! I’m Adina, and I’ll be your RA at WTP this year! I’m a current freshman, and I plan to major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I did WTP in ME when I was in high school and had a blast and learned a lot. Outside of class I’m involved in my dorm’s house government, I’m on the archery club team, I play on my dorm’s intramural basketball team, and I also do research in the Political Science department (ask me about my future campaign for the presidency). I also love Broadway shows, exploring Boston, and having fun! I look forward to meeting you all!
WTP Associate Director & WTP-ME Track Coordinator
Dr. Barbara Hughey joined the Mechanical Engineering
Department in 2002 as Lab Manager for the junior-level 2.671 Measurement
and Instrumentation Course. She is a graduate of Princeton University
(BSE 1981 in Engineering Physics) and MIT (PhD 1989 in Physics). After
receiving her Ph.D she worked in the Boston area developing accelerator-based
instruments, primarily for medical applications. She is a dedicated violinist, having
served as concertmaster of both the Princeton and MIT Orchestras,
as well as having been an active participant in the MIT Chamber Music
Society. She is a member of the Council
for the Arts at MIT and is treasurer of and performs with the Lexington
Symphony. She is also an Overseer at the Boston Museum of Science. She has two children: one graduated from the Biological Engineering Department at MIT in 2013 and is presently an MD/PhD student in Pittsburgh, and the other graduated from the Berklee College of Music in 2014 with a degree in Vocal Performance and is presently a singer/songwriter in Nashville. When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, knitting, reading
science fiction, hiking, and bird watching. bhughey@mit.edu |