Final Exam May 16, 2000
The final exam in 8.02 will be held in Johnson Athletic Center on Tuesday, May 16 at 9 AM.
The exam will cover the entire course of which about 1/3 will be on material covered since Test 3. Topics not to be covered are dielectrics and magnetic materials.
The test will consist of 6 problems that should take about 2 hours. You will have 3 hours to finish it.
The formula sheet that will be available with the test booklet may be downloaded as a postscript file ( or as a pdf file (formula.pdf).
Study suggestions:
A. Divide the course up into a list of principal concepts. For each,
(1) Concept: State the concept.
(2) Formula: Identify the formula or equation that describes it.
(3) Derivation: Learn how to arrive at (by derivation or logical argument as appropriate) this formula. A variant of this is to demonstrate the origin of each of the formulae on the formula sheet.
(4) Technique: Write down a simple application of the concept, i.e., a problem, to illustrate the techniques needed to solve such a problem.
B. Do sample problems and, for each, ask yourself "what fundamental concept is being invoked here".
C. During the test, stay calm and fatalistic about your grade on it. (Anxiety about the outcome can hurt your performance.) Show what you do know about each problem. Allow time for each problem and time for returning to the problems that gave you trouble.