Lattice 3D simulates the interaction of charged
particles in three dimensions. The particles interact
via the classical Coulomb force, as well as the repulsive
quantum-mechanical Pauli force, which acts at close
distances (accounting for the "collisions"
between them). Additionally, the motion of the particles
is damped by a term proportional to their velocity,
allowing them to "settle down" into stable
(or meta-stable) states.
In this simulation, the proportionality of the Coulomb
and Pauli forces has been adjusted to allow for lattice
formation, as one might see in a crystal. The "preferred"
stable state is a rectangular (cubic) lattice, although
other formations are possible depending on the number
of particles and their initial positions.
New feature: Selecting a particle and pressing
"f" will toggle fieldlines illustrating the
local field around that particle. Performance varies
depending on the number of particles / fieldlines in
the simulation.