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Facilities Operations

The Facilities Operations group oversees, maintains, and helps develop the physical assets on MIT’s campus: the buildings, grounds, equipment, and infrastructure. Teams provide hands-on repair and maintenance services as well as guidance, protocols, and engineering services for a safe, sustainable campus. This group also encompasses the team that develops and manages MIT’s commuter services and transportation policies.

Campus Services & Maintenance

Campus Services & Maintenance provides 24/7 repair services and proactively undertakes preventive maintenance plans and sustainability programs designed to keep MIT’s systems and buildings operating longer and with greater efficiency. This group includes: Area Managers; Campus Services (including custodial, grounds, and mail services); Off-site Facilities; Repair & Maintenance; and Repair & Maintenance Operations.

Engineering & Energy Management

The Engineering & Energy Management team helps MIT plan for sustainable building systems by offering design guidance and investment recommendations regarding electrical power, steam, water, and sewage. Services range from engineering an entire new complex to developing single-focus, single-site options. The team evaluates existing systems and advises the managers of renovation and expansion projects.

Facilities Environment, Health & Safety Program

Operating under the EHS-Management System with central EHS office oversight, the Facilities Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) program is responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for MIT facilities employees by identifying and remediating potential hazards and ensuring EHS compliance in the operational divisions.

Parking & Transportation Office

MIT’s Parking & Transportation Office supports and encourages a variety of commuting options, giving community members the flexibility to choose each day how they would like to travel. The team oversees MIT’s subsidized parking and public transportation programs, shuttle services, and bike programs, and provides education and resources relating to a range of transportation choices.


The Utilities team is responsible for developing and maintaining the energy infrastructure and resources, including the cogeneration-based Central Utilities Plant (CUP), that provide electricity, heat, and cooling to the campus. In collaboration with other Facilities groups, team members maintain the distribution systems, undertake energy conservation measures, and plan for future needs.



Department Directory

Facilities Operations

Keith Diggans
Associate Vice President

Paula Tierney
Senior Administrative Assistant

making MIT work accessibility Massachusetts Institute of Technology