Editorial Editorial Committee During the presidency of Chuck Vest, MIT saw significant expansion of its resources, which benefited the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences along with . . . |
Editorial Editorial Committee
The new president of MIT needs first and foremost to have a background of achievement as a scientist or engineer. Given that the primary asset of a university . . . |
From The Faculty Chair Rafael L. Bras
"Our system of governance is a peculiar MIT concoction: A unitary faculty meeting with real power and influence, but which draws more than 15% of the faculty, only . . .
Lorna J. Gibson
Following the report of the Committee on Women Faculty in the School of Engineering, the School made substantial progress in hiring women faculty . . . |
Charles Stewart III and Gareth McKinley Like the weather, we often talk about the quality of MIT faculty life, but rarely do anything about it. The Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on the Faculty Quality of Life is . . .
Janet Wasserstein
Did you know that there is a department at MIT established to support school and faculty fundraising initiatives? The Department of Foundation Relations . . . |
Leon Trilling
Like one of the proverbial blind men who try to describe an elephant, I offer a personal account of what seemed most important in the intellectual and . . . |
James H. Williams, Jr. During my decades as a student and faculty member, MIT has been fortunate to have had men of passion and extraordinary dedication as its presidents; individuals . . . |
at MIT Richard J. Samuels For 52 years, MIT's Center for International Studies (CIS) has played a central role in fostering social science research at MIT. It also has helped to define the way . . .
Research at MIT Richard J. Wurtman In one room a normal volunteer, lying in bed for 12 hours, receives an intravenous infusion of amino acid labeled with non-radioactive deuterium, part of a study . . .
Research at MIT James Orlin This coming April twenty-fourth, the MIT Operations Research Center (OR Center) will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. We will commemorate our anniversary with two . . .
MIT Poetry Anthony Lioi n. Any of the numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class Trilobita, of the Paleozoic era, having a segmented exoskeleton divided by grooves or furrows into . . . |
Hazel Sive and John-Paul Clarke
The Group on Community (GoC), an ad hoc group of faculty, students, and administrators, was convened in response to the Committee on Student Life . . . |
Margaret S. Enders and Robert P. Redwine
In the summer of 2000, seven MIT undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering were recruited to spend a year at Cambridge University . . . |
Jerrold M. Grochow When I arrived at MIT in November, I asked that the offered title, Vice President for Information Systems, be changed in an important, though perhaps symbolic, way. |
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