Energy Research Council and Forum:
A Major New Institute Initiative
Newsletter Staff
In light of the recent Report of the Energy Research Council at MIT and the May 3rd MIT Energy Forum, both of which exhibit the commitment to energy research made by the Institute, the Faculty Newsletter wishes to reflect on the importance of this initiative heralded by President Hockfield. Select titles below to read two examples of research currently underway at the Institute, presented by faculty members who participated in the Energy Forum.
In addition, we wish to invite articles commenting on the energy initiative, its structure, goals, etc., for publication in our September/October issue. Please submit any contributions by e-mail to fnl@mit.edu, or contact any member of the Newsletter Editorial Board. For more information about the Energy Research Council and to see the entire final report, visit their Website: web.mit.edu/erc.
Click to select:
Efficient Use of Energy: Part of MIT's New Energy Initiative, Leon R. Glicksman
Fueling Our Transportation Future, John Heywood