Accolades for Nancy Hopkins
To The Faculty Newsletter:
Thank you so much for this article [“Diversification of a University Faculty: Observations on Hiring Women Faculty in the Schools of Science and Engineering at MIT,” MIT Faculty Newsletter, Vol. XVIII, No. 4]! As a recent graduate from MIT (PhD Course 6, 2005) this issue really hits home for me since I constantly evaluate the option of pursuing an academic career. I really believe that increasing the numbers of female faculty members really lies in creating an environment in which a woman can not only succeed academically, but can also balance a life outside of her career. This is one of the major reasons why I have chosen to pursue industrial research though I have a serious interest in teaching and mentorship of younger students. My advisor in graduate school was female and chose to wait until she received tenure before having a family. Other women work in industry while they raise their families and then try entering academia at a more senior position once their children are older.
I think a complete study on the leaky pipeline needs also to consider the reasons why women leaked out.
Sheila Tandon