Not Just Another Survey . . . !
How well do you manage the stressors of work? Do you have a voice in decision-making in your department? Do you feel that the criteria used for promotion and tenure are transparent?
The best way to make your opinions known is to answer the 2008 MIT Faculty Quality of Life Survey. This Web-based survey covers a broad range of issues about work and family life, including workload and stress, department atmosphere, the tenure and promotion process, and satisfaction with various resources and services. Several of MIT’s peers have surveyed their faculty using the same questions on this survey, enabling valuable peer comparisons.
In 2004, MIT administered a similar survey to faculty. The results of this survey were used by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Faculty Quality of Life to better learn how faculty negotiated the stresses of work and life outside the Institute. A summary of the Committee’s findings can be found at:
To access the survey, you may either click on the link sent to you in the e-mail from Provost Reif or retrieve the link by entering your e-mail address here: