Committee on Campus Planning
The Committee on Campus Planning serves as the standing Faculty advisory body to the MIT administration on campus planning. It provides Faculty perspectives and counsel on campus planning issues, including, but not limited to, future academic and research needs of the community. The committee seeks to understand the needs of the Faculty for the campus environment and ensure communication with the Faculty on important matters related to the MIT campus and surroundings. The chair of the committee serves ex officio on the MIT Building Committee, and members may be called upon to serve on task forces and/or other ad hoc committees concerned with campus planning.
Prof. Deborah G Ancona, Chair (June 30, 2021)
Sloan School of Management
Prof. Jonathan P How (June 30, 2020)
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Prof. Heidi Nepf (June 30, 2020)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Lisa Parks (June 30, 2019)
Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Prof. Brent Ryan (L) (June 30, 2019)
Urban Studies & Planning
Prof. Boleslaw Wyslouch (June 30, 2020)
DLC Heads Science
Ms. Sarah Edgar, Student '19 (June 30, 2019)
Mr. Jonas Brunschwig, Student G (June 30, 2019)
Mr. Jon H Alvarez, Director, Campus Planning *
Office of the Executive VP & Treasurer
Prof. Peter H Fisher, Designated Representative, Provost *
DLC Heads Science
Prof. Erica C James, Designated Representative, Provost *
Urban Studies & Planning
Prof. James Wescoat, Designated Representative, Provost *
Ms. Amy J Kaiser, Staff to Committee
Campus Planning
NOTE: Date in parentheses indicates term expiration.
* Ex Officio Voting
# Ex Officio Non-Voting
^ Non-MIT Member 7/20/2018
L On LeaveCampus
For a complete list of Faculty and Institute Committees and Councils see the MIT Faculty Governance website.