Angered By Recent FNL Editorial
Robert A. Weinberg
I am truly appalled by the editorial that was published in the recent Faculty Newsletter (“September Faculty Meeting Calls for Major Changes in Institute Policy,” Vol. XXXII No. 1), in which the editorial ended with “Though there was a call for the resignation of President Reif alone, we think that much of the senior leadership share the blame for the rot that has set in, and that there will be calls for other resignations in the days to come.” To my mind, this inflammatory bullshit should provoke calls for the members of the editorial board of the Faculty Newsletter to resign. Who are they to say that the Institute is afflicted by rot?
There was clearly a breakdown in the policies used by the Institute to vet donors. But as usual, it is far easier to cast stones and react with outraged indignation than to rationally examine what actually happened and what was on the minds of those who did or did not approve of these donations. These minor considerations were clearly not on the minds of those who penned this extraordinarily irresponsible editorial. (Would the response have been any different if a major donor had been revealed as a molester of boys, and if that donor and donation would have been equally inappropriate? How does the currently outraged indignation relate in any way to the purportedly inappropriate attitudes of administrators to the women on our faculty?)