Nanoengineering group is part of the Rohsenow Kendall Heat Transfer Laboratory. Major facilities in our group are list below.
Laser facilities for electron and phonon transport studies

Time-domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) system
- Spectra-Physics Tsunami ultrafast mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with ~100 fs pulse width.
- Two-color (400 nm and 800 nm) and two-tint (785 ± 3 nm) detection with modulated pump-probe beam.
- Capable of through-plane and in-plane thermal transport analysis.

Frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR) system
- Coherent OBIS solid-state continuous wave (CW) 405 nm and 532 nm laser equipped with a fully automated 3-D translational stage with 2-D beam-offset capability.
- Capable of through-plane and in-plane thermal transport analysis.
- Capable of fully-automated 2-D thermal conductivity and interfacial thermal conductance mapping.

Transient thermal grating (TTG) system
- Light Conversion Pharos 1060 nm femtosecond laser with high-power (10 W) output with 290 fs pulse width.
- Light Conversion HIRO high-power harmonic generator with second and fourth harmonic output (515 nm and 257 nm).
- Light Conversion Orpheus-HP femtosecond collinear optical parametric amplifier (OPA) with a tunable wavelength 310-16000 nm.
- Coherent Sapphire SF solid-state continuous-wave (CW) 532 nm laser.
- Capable of diffusive and non-diffusive 2-D electron and phonon transport analysis with dual-mode heterodyne detection.
Macroscopic thermal conductivity measurement facillities

Steady-state and transient thermal conductivity measurement systems
- Custom-built vacuum chamber with electrical feedthrough and optical window.
- Capable of 1-D thermal transport analysis.

Netzsch LFA 457 laser flash system
- Measurement of thermal diffusivity between -125 °C and 1100 °C.
Materials fabrication facilities

Custom-built polymer processing systems
- Continuous polymer melt extrusion and drawing system.
- Fabrication of high-thermal-conductivity polymer fibers and films.

Chemical fume hoods
- Synthesis of polymers and hydrogels.

Leica EM ACE600 high-vacuum sputter
- Fully automated multi-target sputter system for the metal thin-film deposition (Au, Ti, Al, Mo and etc..).
Materials characterization facilities

Agilent Cary 7000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer
- Wide detection wavelength range 190 - 2800 nm
- Measurement of specular reflection and direct and variable angle transmission with s and p polarized lights.
- Measurement of diffuse scattered transmission and reflection.

Horiba LabRAM Evolution HR confocal Raman microscope
- 532 nm excitation source with a spectral detection range from ultralow frequency (down to 5 cm-1sup>) to 2500 cm-1sup> with a high throughput single-stage spectrometer.
- Capable of ultra-fast 2-D and 3-D confocal Raman imaging with a heating/cooling stage.

Netzsch DSC 404 F1 Pegasus high-temperature differential scanning calorimeter
- Characterization of thermodynamic properties of materials up to 1500 °C.
Energy science and electrochemistry facilities

mBraun LABmaster glovebox workstation
- Synthesis, storage and characterization of air and moisture sensitive materials and batteries.

Sciencetech steady-state solar simulator and custom-made LED illumination station
- Measurement of water evaporation under the sun’s spectrum or specific wavelength emitted by LED lights.

Biologic VSP-300 multi-channel potentiostat
- Electrochemical characterization of custom-built flow cells and thermally regenerative electrochemical cycle systems (TRECs).
- Equipped with a multi-channel PID controller with thermocouples and heaters controlled by data acquisition hardware and software.
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurement for solutions and hydrogels.
Computer cluster for computational studies of electron and phonon transport dynamics

- 16 Intel E5530 Xeon computing nodes (2.4 GHz, 8 cores) with 128 GB RAM.
- 20 Intel E52680 v2 computing nodes (2.8 GHz, 20 cores) with 128 GB RAM.