Elliot 24-inch Telescope

The Elliot 24-inch telescope is located in the large white offset dome near the parking lot. It was installed in 2017.

Mount Bisque Taurus 600 equatorial fork mount
Pointing Accuracy 13.4 arcseconds RMS
Max exposure Unguided 5-10 minutes, Guided 60+ minutes
Telescope Planewave 24-inch CDK f/6.5
Focal length F=3962mm
Instrument Port #1 FLI PL16803 CCD - 9um px - 4096x4096 pixels / Filters=Clear, g', r', i', z', u', R
Instrument Port #2 55 mm TeleVue Plossl eyepiece or 25mm eyepiece
Instrument Port #3 Lhires III spectrograph - Neon calibration lamp - gratings=150g/mm, 300, 600, 1200 and 2400 - QSI 683 CCD. Slit camera (ZWO 485) FOV ~5'.
Instrument Port #4 ZWO 2600MC color CMOS camera
Autoguider Off-axis, ZWO ASI290MM Mini camera on Celestron 80mm f/11.4 refractor


The Lhires III PF0001 spectrograph is made by Shelyak Instruments. Specifications displayed below rough estimates and should be verified upon every use. 
Spectrograph Specs slit width in arc seconds=1.35" slit width at focal plain=29um +/-1um      
Grating 150 300 600 1200 2400
Spectral domain or FOV in Å 2300 1140 550 250 85
Power of resolution 700 1400 2800 5900 175342
Limiting magnitude S/N=100 11 10.4 7 6.3 5
Dispersion (Å/pix) @ Halpha 3 1.4937 0.7 0.3 0.1
Dispersion (km/s) 150 75 35 17 5
0-order line   ~1.5mm  1mm  ~2mm 1.2mm
Micrometer cheat sheet     PDF PDF PDF
User verified positions   6450 @ 3.500mm     ~6563Å @ ~17.7mm

Wallace 24-inch Telescope (Currently undergoing control system upgrade)


The 24-in telescope at Wallace is an Ealing "24-in Research Cassegrain Coudé" reflector on an asymmetric German equatorial mount. The optical specifications are as follows: D=600.075mm, F=9360mm, f/15.6, as measured after the recent refurbishment in 2009. The image scale is 22.04 arcsec/mm at its Cassegrain focus. The 24-in telescope was built as the centerpiece of the observatory in 1971. In its Cassegrain configuration it's been the telescope most used for research at Wallace and several papers and theses have been published using data obtained with it. The mirror was recoated in 2009 and the control system was redone in 2013 by Tim Brothers and Dan Gray of Sidereal Technology ("SiTech").

The Wallace telescope control system is currently being retrofitted.  We hope to revive it by summer 2025.  

Mount Ealing Corporation
Pointing Accuracy 1.9 arcminutes RMS
Max exposure Unguided 120s - Guided 2-10min
Telescope Ealing 24-inch Cassegrain
Diameter of primary D=600.075mm
Focal length - f/# F=9360mm, f/15.6
Instrument Port #1 Eyepiece: 23mm - 40mm
Instrument Port #2  
Instrument Port #3; SBIG STL-1001e with Clear, BVRI filters
Instrument Port #4  
Autoguider Yes, External

The Shed Telescopes

There are four 14-inch telescopes (Celestron C-14's of both the 1970's "orange tube" variety and 2 new EdgeHD versions) in the Shed. One is mounted on a new equatorial mount, the other three are mounted on German equatorial mounts. All four have idential detectors and mostly identical filter sets. The roll-off roof building, affectionately refered to as "the Shed," was built in 1984. The "orange tube" C-14's were refurbished in ~2016 and still produce excellent images and science data. The most recent upgrade is a new refractor mounted to Pier 1. This will provide a new capability at Wallace for super wide field imaging. This 90mm Astro-Tech refractor has two focal length settings depending on whether the observer utilizes the focal reducer. It also features numerous filter options, including LRGB (for true color astrophotography), Sloan ugriz filters (for photometry) and H-alpha, Sulfur II and Oxygen III (for narrowband imaging).

The most recent update in the Shed is the upgrade from CCDs to modern CMOS detectors.  These new detectors have significantly less noise, dark current and much improved quantum efficiency.  We also upgrade Pier 4's mount to a Taurus 400 equatorial mount.    

  Pier 1 Pier 1 refractor Pier 2 Pier 3 Pier 4
Mount Planewave L-350 Planewave L-350 Software Bisque Paramount ME       Software Bisque Paramount ME with MKS5000 Upgrade Software Bisque  Taurus 400 
Telescope Celestron C-14 Edge HD Astro-Tech 90mm Carbon Fiber Tube Celestron C-14 Edge HD Celestron C-14 "orange tube" Celestron C-14 EdgeHD
Focal length - f/# F=~3910mm - f/11

F=530mm f/6

or F=432 f/4.8 

F=~3910mm - f/11 F=~3910mm - f/11 F=~3910mm - f/11
Plate Scale 0.2"/px 1.43"/px or 1.792"/px 0.2"/px 0.2"/px 0.2"/px
Camera info 6252*4176 pixels @3.76um 3008x3008 @3.76um 6252*4176 pixels @3.76um 6252*4176 pixels @3.76um  6252*4176 pixels @3.76um
Filter set Clear, u', g', r', i', z', R Sloan u', g', r', i', z' set. Also available: H-alpha, OIII and SII and LRGB set; Clear, u', g', r', i', z', R Clear, u', g', r', i', z', R Clear, u', g', r', i', z', R
Autoguider Yes Yes No Yes, off-axis (offline) No