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UBC Masters Studies

Summer 2025

Undergraduate Research Mentor: Mentoring undergraduates on readings and research projects with Izabella Łaba.
MIT MathROOTS 2025: Assistant Director and Academic Mentor.
Masters Thesis: In progress, link to appear here.

Spring 2025

TAship: Grading for Math 421/510: Functional Analysis/Real Analysis II, taught by Prof. Mathav Murugan.
MLC: Tutor for UBC's Math Learning Center.
SLMath: "Hot Topics: Interactions between Harmonic Analysis, Homogeneous Dynamics, and Number Theory". (Participant)

Math Coursework: Talks I gave/will give:

Fall 2024

TAship: Graded for Math 120: Honors Differential Calculus, taught by Prof. Alexia Yavicoli and Prof. Petr Kosenko.

Math Coursework: Talks I gave:

Summer 2024

MIT MathROOTS 2024: Academic Mentor and Residential Counselor. Gave lecture on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
Reading: Worked on reading Larry Guth's Decoupling lecture notes.

Talks I gave:

MIT Undergraduate Studies

MITAdmissions: Worked for MITAdmissions blogging! Blogs written are also put on The Home Paige.

Spring 2024

PRIMES Circle: A high school mathematics enrichment program for underrepresented students. Met weekly with two high school students reading MiklÓs BÓna's "A Walk Through Combinatorics". Guided the writing of a 15 page expository paper on the Szemeredi-Trotter theorem.

UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Continued UROP from Fall 2023 with Alex Ortiz and Dmitrii Zakharov.

Math Coursework: Talks I gave:

Fall 2023

MIT CoMM: Cochair for the Council for Math Majors, Spring and Fall 2023 with Katie Miner.
UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Began research with Alex Ortiz.

Math Coursework: Talks I gave:

Summer 2023

SMALL REU at Williams College: Studied point configurations over finite fields.

Spring 2023

UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Extended my SPUR Project with Shengwen Gan and Larry Guth, continuing to explore exceptional set estimates and other such questions in metric geometry. Culminated in paper linked below.
Exceptional set estimates in finite fields
Then I participated in a new UROP project with postdoctorate Marjorie Drake.

PRIMES Circle: A high school mathematics enrichment program for underrepresented students. Met weekly with two high school students reading Paul Zeitz' "The Art and Craft of Problem Solving". Guided the writing of a 11 page expository paper on Stirling numbers of the second kind.

UA: Undergraduate Assistant for 18.102: Introduction to Functional Analysis, taught by Richard Melrose.

Math Coursework:

IAP 2023

Taught 18.S190 (previously 18.S097): Introduction to Metric Spaces. Held TR9-10:30 in-person in 2-131. See IAP 2022 for more information on how the class was held last year and more general information. This year, the module on applications to differential equations was replaced with a module on completions of metric spaces (analogous to the completions of the rationals leading to the real numbers). This new module discussed the completion of a metric space, and defined L^p spaces, p-adic integers, and more.

DRP: Directed Reading Program in Course 18 over IAP. Read the lecture notes from Larry Guth's 2017 topics class on Decoupling (notes transcribed by various students in the course), as well as Steven Krantz' "A Panorama of Harmonic Analysis" with Postdoc Marjorie Drake. Presented on the multiplier problem for the ball and Fourier series in multiple variables.

MIT Monologues: Wrote a piece for this year's performance on my experiences as a trans-person (see MITAdmissions blogpost).
UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Continued my UROP with Shengwen Gan and Larry Guth.

Fall 2022

UA: Undergraduate for 18.101: Analysis and Manifolds, taught by Richard Melrose. Provided feedback on lecture notes, graded problemsets, and typeset problemset solutions weekly for this class. I also held weekly office hours and occassionally review sessions.

Associate Advising: Traditional Associate Advisor for Bill Minicozzi.
Steering Committee: Provided Monthly feedback on Associate Advising for the Office of the First Year.
18.100*: Mentored for undergraduate real analysis courses.
USWIM: Mentored for the Undergraduate Society for Women in Mathematics.

Math Coursework:

Summer 2022

SPUR: Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Course 18, with Larry Guth and Shengwen Gan. Researched Marstrand's projection theorem and the high-low method.

Associate Advising: One of two associate advising captains this summer, developed materials with OFY: The Office of the First Year to prepare associate advisors for the upcoming school year.

Spring 2022

18.100A: Real Analysis (on Rn) prior to this spring was not available on MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW), which I advocated for. Working with Dr. Casey Rodriguez and OCW, I typed lecture notes for the Fall 2020 course taught by Casey, recorded asynchronously. The material is now found on OCW, including notes, lecture videos, problemsets, and notes from some of the recitations. Both a link to the OCW site and a folder of my typed notes is included below.
Typed Notes (.zip)

PRIMES Circle: A high school mathematics enrichment program for underrepresented students. Met weekly with two high school students reading Thomas Sibley's "Thinking Geometrically: A Survey of Geometries". Guided the writing of a 15 page expository paper on triangles in spherical, hyperbolic, and single elliptic geometries.

Math Coursework:

IAP 2022

18.S097: Introduction to Metric Spaces, developed and taught by me. Advocated for and created a bridge class between real analysis on Rn and real analysis on a general metric space to make the mathematics department more accessible.
OCW Class
Blog Post by Peter Chipman

DRP: Directed Reading Program in Course 18 over this IAP. Read the first chapter of John Conway's "A Course in Operator Theory", and created a presentation in Beamer with my partner Esha Bhatia and mentor Elena Kim. Learned quite a bit about the functional calculus as presented in Conway's "A Course in Functional Analysis".

Fall 2021

18.100B Mentoring: Mentored students weekly in 18.100A and 18.100B through the UMA mentoring program.
18.A09: Associate advising for 18.A09: Symmetry with Haynes Miller, advising eight first years.

Math Coursework:

Summer 2021

UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Worked with Yuqiu Fu and closely studied "A View from the Top" by Alex Iosevich, solved exercises and presented proofs. Wrote a clear and digestible expository paper proving a Sobolev inequality in 2-dimensions.
Notes (Extremely Rough)

Spring 2021

Started work with OCW for the first time, helping develop a online modulized version of 18.03: Differential Equations with Jennifer French.

Math Coursework:

IAP 2021

Tetrahedra UROP: Looked into finding the algebraic relations relating the six side lengths and the cosines of the dihedral angles of a tetrahedron under Prof. Bjorn Poonen, as a volunteer.

18.S097: Grader for the 18.S097 Proof Writing Workshop developed by the UMA.

Math Coursework:

Fall 2020

Math Coursework:

High School

Before MIT, I attended Design Science Middle College High School (DSMCHS) in Fresno, California.

Here, I had the opportunity to study math problemsolving skills with Fresno Math Circle, which I heavily recommend to anyone in the area. If you have the ability to do so, I also recommend donating to their program as it gives the opportunity for many underpriviledged kids to learn mathematics skills.

While here, I also got to work with Fresno City College as an embedded tutor and drop-in tutor, tutoring from college algebra (precalculus) to linear algebra. In fact, at Fresno City College I graduated with my Associate's Degree in Mathematics for Transfer. This allowed me the opportunity to transfer over coursework listed below.

Math Coursework:

Last updated: March 12, 2025